Research / Megadrive Programming / Loops & arrays

Loops in 68k are very limited... Forget about while- or for-like loops ;) For loops, you use DBcc. Usually, programmers just use DBF or DBRA
(which mean the same). First operand is a data register that will be
decremented and the second one is a label where to loop if this data
register isn't -1. Example:

	lea	($1234).l,a0

lea ($FFFF1234).w,a1
moveq #7,d0
move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
dbf d0,Loop

This example will go back to the Loop label 8 times (d0 + 1). It's not that hard... I won't show the other DBcc instructions because they are practically useless. Maybe later, when I'll write an instruction list...

Second part of this chapter will be arrays. Well, I call them arrays,
but they really aren't. Those are just sets of bytes, words, longwords
that are readed depending on some variable. For instance, we want to
load a different music depending on the current level:

	moveq	#0,d0			;clear d0

move.b ($FFFFFE10).w,d0 ;move level to d0 (00 - GHZ, 01 - LZ etc)
lea (MusicArray).l,a0 ;load the music values array into a0
move.b (a0,d0.w),d0 ;see the explanation

dc.b $81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86

I thought 5 damn minutes about how should I explain this XD. The move.b (a0,d0.w),d0 instruction moves a byte at a0 + d0 to d0. Let's examine 3 possibilities (GHZ - 00, LZ - 01, MZ - 02)


d0 = 00
a0 = $1234

move.b (a0,d0.w),d0

d0 = (a0 + d0)
d0 = ($1234 + 0)
d0 = ($1234)
d0 = $81


d0 = 01
a0 = $1234

move.b (a0,d0.w),d0

d0 = (a0 + d0)
d0 = ($1234 + 01)
d0 = ($1235)
d0 = $82


d0 = 02
a0 = $1234

move.b (a0,d0.w),d0

d0 = (a0 + d0)
d0 = ($1234 + 02)
d0 = ($1236)
d0 = $83

I hope you get it... This chapter was short but very important, so if
you don't understand something, read it 10 times =P And you can always
ask on the forums.

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