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News / Reloaded

Reloaded drx (Jul 20 2005, 10:21 AM)
Come get sssooooome.

I've totally redesigned the site, ported it to SQL and bunch of other stuff, it's up to you if you find it all.

As I said on the previous news system, we're changing our site profile. We're soon extending to other games, as Sonic games are researched to death.

Why did I do all this? Now I reveal my secr3t pl4n.

I've made a user system, with all leet wikipedia-style content management system etc. So anybody can add stuff to the site without my help. So if you want to get hosted, post on the forums, and you surely will.

Adding stuff to the website now is easier than ever, so think about it. You get pro hosting and shit like that. My goal is to concentrate all Sonic-related projects here.

One more thing. Teh moneh. I need money. I found a source of money... but I'm not sure I want to get it from this source. It may be not worth it. But if everything else fails, I might give it a go.

We kick your ass and you know it.

Ambil (Jul 20 2005, 01:40 PM)
I will be honored to be hosted here drx. Your website pwns more than ever.

Aurochs (Jul 20 2005, 04:12 PM)
Wikipedia? I LOVE Wikipedia! =P <br> <br>Seriously, this is looking great. I want more. =P

Overlord (Jul 20 2005, 08:22 PM)
Yes, looking very 1337y. Go drx =P

Icy Guy (Jul 20 2005, 10:31 PM)
Lookin' pretty good. One thing that bugs me, though, is the text cursor you get when you mouse over one of the nav options. This doesn't allow me to open any of the links in a new window (in IE) or open any of the links in a new tab (in Firefox). Also, the comment box on this page is a bit too small. <br> <br>Good to see HC is still alive, though. :)

test (Aug 19 2005, 09:53 AM)

Guifrog (Aug 22 2005, 07:39 PM)
"burp" <br> <br>Didn't your mom ever educated you to have a good etiquette? You've bu"r"ped this news topic! <br> <br>=P


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