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My projects

05/06/07 NOTICE: Due to the age of this article, some of the projects listed below may have been discontinued. Thank you.

Here I present some projects I've been working on. Many of them are trashed, many are not here, because I deleted them. I worked on so many things that I don't even remember all =P Here's few of them:

Sonic XD

This is my biggest hacking project. If you don't know, it's a hack of Sonic 1. I included Tails and Knuckles as well as some other things. I recently had to start over (pc died...), but I hope I will finish it someday... I can't give you much details (I don't want to spoil the suprise).
Release date: unknown

Updated notice from Gunner112k: At the time of this writing, there is much doubt that this project will ever see the light.

[ image ]

A Megadrive/Genesis emulator. Actually, it only emulates the 68k (MD CPU), so forget about graphics or music. My dream is to make it emulate graphics fully and program a useful debug.
Release date: never
Update: I lost the sources for the emulator in a HD crash. Project frozen, sorry.

Hacking CulT

You're looking at it =P My goal is to organise all Sonic hacking info and be a #1 Sonic hacking site. Hacking CulT was a section of Sonic CulT, but I split because of the mess that was going on there. I'm thinking about expanding to other games when I do the Sonic stuff... I'm not only a Sonic hacker (Sonic is my favourite game though). We'll see...

Sonic Tweaker

A small Sonic editing utility. Edits water, demos, object properties and text in various games. Further development is frozen, because I hate Delphi, and I would like to reprogram it using C++/ASM, but I suck at WinAPI =P
Update: I was working on the C++ version. I lost the sources, but I'm going to redo it.

Sonic Tweaker 0.04 (Delphi version)

Sonic 1 disassembly

I made the first Sonic 1 disassembly... But I had no internet for 3 weeks, so Stealth released his one first and took all the good comments. Anyway, I learned a ton of things while I was doing it. You can download it in Disassemblies section. I made a bunch of other disassemblies that are not released yet (eraser, chaotix, s2b, s3k).

Various hacks

They're not worth a bigger comment:

Real-time demo recording in Sonic 1 - an asm hack that records a demo while playing a level

Tails in S1K - adds tails to Sonic Special Stages (S1 + SK)

Sonic 1 Beta hoax - my Sonic 1 beta hoax. Includes things like leaping animation or original LZ background. Many thanks to Orangefox from Sonic 2 beta forums. Should be in the hacks section

Sonic 1: AOL Edition - a sucky version of Sonic 1. Yes, I was bored. Downloadable in hacks section

Sonic 2 Underwater - A hack of SMTP and me. Each level is filled with rising water. I was excited when I made that (that was a year ago, when I knew nothing about ASM). I can do thousands of hacks like this now.

128x128 mappings in S1 - I was trying to program 128x128 mappings instead of 256x256 for easier level porting, but I got bored of it [image]

2p mode in S1 - I tried to program it because dude2k4 asked me to [image]

I think that's all...

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