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News / Small Sonic 2 Guide Update

Small Sonic 2 Guide Update StephenUK (Mar 12 2006, 01:25 PM)
I've made a small update to the Sonic 2 Hacking Guide. So far, i've just added information on editing object and character mappings, but when I get a bit more time i'll add some more.

Let me know what information you want, and i'll see if I can make that info available soon.

TheCount (Mar 16 2006, 01:04 PM)
I ain't gonna comment about sonic 2. Yeah, I give a damn or two about sonic. <br>This I'm gonna comment about: <br>"""Not for me, for people who visited it""" <br> <br>Closing the forum isn't the best way to fix the fact that:"""It sucked anyway""" <br> <br>I only ask an address of a forum which cares about hacking (preferently, not sonic obsessed). And that doesn't ask all sorts of information, and validation emails, and crap like that. I'm only thirteen and I prefer too keep my name secret. I know I can make a false name, but that's just annoying. <br>Well, maybe I'll upload a pic from time to time of my hack (that is, if Upload still exists??), but I'll probably halt it 'till someno helps me with the text. With the forum gone and my time drastically reduced, I'll probably leave the hack for a few months. <br> <br>Thank you very much for sending it all to hell. <br> <br>As usual, fuck you.

drx (Mar 17 2006, 03:49 PM)
upload still exists, and you can still post comments or contact someone from the staff

TheCount (Mar 17 2006, 05:49 PM)
Staff gives a damn about me, and won't care if I contact them individually. <br> <br>Maybe I'll post a screenshot (a more suggestive one, with Bernhart as a player), and I would appreciate feedback.

Rika (Mar 17 2006, 09:10 PM)
TheCount, You cannot force people to care about your work,

TheCount (Mar 17 2006, 11:26 PM)
I know and I don't mean to. <br> <br>I'm just pointing that it's useless to contact them.

TheCount (Mar 18 2006, 06:00 PM)
It might be best to try the old fashioned way>>> <br>+----------------+ <br>|Anyone cares?| <br>+----------------+

drx (Mar 18 2006, 09:07 PM)
Why don't you upload the screenshot first and then expect us to be impressed? :P

TheCount (Mar 18 2006, 11:06 PM)
There you go. I had problems finding Bernhart, but I was actually loading the wrong ROM (stuuuupid), so I edited Leon, which I found more easily. <br> <br>There he is, with a blue range, commanding dragoons. I should have equipped him a Langrisser, but the pic is already uploaded.

TheCount (Mar 18 2006, 11:10 PM)
I just remembered of what a pain in the as is needless browsing. <br> <br>

Aurochs (Mar 20 2006, 05:09 PM)
WOAH <br> <br>DUDE <br> <br>

TheCount (Mar 20 2006, 10:40 PM)
"""WOAH <br> <br>DUDE""" <br> <br>What are you talking about?

drx (Mar 21 2006, 08:44 PM)
To be honest, never played the game. Maybe you could post the original screenshot so we could see the difference? :P

TheCount (Mar 22 2006, 11:34 AM)
I thought so?? <br>I uploaded the original game's screenshot. <br>It's an RPG, so don't expect too much difference. <br>Believe me, it makes a difference if you play it.

Shit I forgot the URL again (Mar 22 2006, 01:00 PM)

WTF? (Apr 02 2006, 01:35 AM)
There were other news here just yesterday, WTF?

WTF (Apr 02 2006, 08:10 PM)
NO, man, seriously, what the hell happened?????

StephenUK (Apr 03 2006, 08:28 AM)
The news posts were abducted by aliens. What the hell do you think happened? Someone deleted them. It doesn't take a genius to work that out.

?? (Apr 03 2006, 01:14 PM)
Nevermind, but I had just pointed out in the last news that the comments allow HTML. <br> <br>They really shouldn't.

ShitML (Apr 04 2006, 01:37 PM)
Of course they shouldn't!!! <br>There are countless amounts of viruses that can be downloaded and excecuted by html, with just browsing a page.

Brooke (Jan 13 2007, 09:09 PM)
Someone please help. I've got Sonic 2 on xbox. HOW DO I BEAT THE END STAGE??? I'm going crazy. Everything I have tried is not working!


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