News / Russians invade CulT
Meh (Jul 25 2006, 01:31 PM) First Comment! <br> <br>Dude that shit is awesome! Rika (Jul 25 2006, 07:33 PM) Yes, I have seen this before. Still awesome. So much is done, it's really amazing. Driver (Jul 26 2006, 04:06 AM) Kabal made this hack as a gift for our Russian emu site http://emu-land.net , but now this hack will be known around the world, I hope) Tadashi (one of the site makers) (Jul 26 2006, 07:38 AM) Yeah, I bet you guys are not so good with ASM. Try your best. Kabal would still kick your ass real hard. Meh (Jul 26 2006, 05:36 PM) There was once a scene on Mortal Kombat when I was going to "finish" a guy over a pit of spikes. I did an uppercut, and he fell down hard into the spikes back first. <br> <br>OWN3D Mr.Chaotix (Jul 26 2006, 10:07 PM) OWN3D indeed. OR pwned or *shot* drx (Jul 27 2006, 01:10 AM) Tadashi, I'm sure you'll make yourself lots of great friends with that attititude you have here and on IRC. Have fun. Tadashi (Jul 27 2006, 06:26 AM) drx, why should I care? I always speak straightforward. You just cant do ASM shit anymore and you envy us. Meh. JLsoft (Aug 03 2006, 12:06 AM) The music track patch and readme/moves list links are broken :/ KP (Aug 03 2006, 06:59 PM) The hack is so good that it crashes on Gens, Genecyst, and Kgen98. Really, nice work. KP (Aug 03 2006, 09:51 PM) BEST HACK I'VE EVER SEEN. <br> <br>Really, I always wanted MKTrilogy, but this is around as good as MKT. <br>This is incredible work. evgeny (Aug 05 2006, 08:44 AM) broken links was fixed JLsoft (Aug 05 2006, 06:05 PM) Thanks much :) TheCrazyOne (Aug 25 2006, 05:30 PM) Oh, finally, after FOREVER searching for this after reading it on Siliconera, I FINALLY FOUND IT! YOU GUYS ROCK! <br> <br>It's really fun to turn on computer resistance after pressing x then a on the main screen. If you get the chance to fatal them, they might end up turning the tables and finishing YOU off. It's AWESOME. <br> <br>I love losing then fataling them. optiboi (Sep 17 2006, 09:47 PM) when is the 12th installment come out, or is it allready out, thanks in advance for anyones answers Kevin (Sep 27 2006, 02:11 AM) Nice site! <br>http://bvhovglf.com/uimm/kbpz.html | http://xiivzeot.com/strt/aols.html David (Sep 27 2006, 02:21 AM) Great work! <br>http://ckvfefxt.com/udnc/rdhs.html | http://axowjyni.com/rlbn/upqv.html Cindy (Sep 27 2006, 02:34 AM) Great work! <br>http://kuowvooq.com/hfgv/nqno.html | http://lbyjskpc.com/ojan/zeun.html Betty (Sep 27 2006, 02:37 AM) Well done! <br>http://ilcrmqac.com/vhsy/yeul.html | http://dkdobyfa.com/sqsu/uloz.html Tina (Sep 27 2006, 03:21 AM) Well done! <br>http://ozkoxbad.com/xxoa/wtqj.html | http://ixnspvmr.com/qsuw/nkqz.html yzje@mail.com (Apr 01 2007, 12:31 PM) yzje@mail.com Õ Ó É Ñ Ã Î Ð Û (Aug 10 2009, 09:24 AM) ÕÓÉ ÍÀ ÕÓÅ È ÕÓÅÌ ÏÎÄÃÎÍßÅÒ Õ Ó É Ñ Ã Î Ð Û (Aug 10 2009, 09:25 AM) Õ Ó É ÍÀ Õ Ó Å È Õ Ó Å Ì ÏÎÄÃÎÍßÅÒ |